A child-centric, nurturing environment proudly operated in Vancouver


Our Philosophy

Our educational philosophy integrates the approaches of two renowned theorists: Reggio Emilia and Maria Montessori.

Reggio Emilia

The Reggio Emilia approach views children as competent, curious, and capable learners. It emphasizes the importance of community, collaboration, and the learning environment. While often applied in early childhood education, these principles can also enhance educational practices for older children.  The Reggio Emilia approach includes:

  • Recognizing children as active participants in their own learning journey.
  • Encouraging exploration and discovery through hands-on experiences.
  • Building strong relationships between children, teachers, and parents.
  • Designing a learning environment that responds to children’s interests and needs.


Developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, the Montessori method is based on the belief that children are naturally curious and capable learners. With the right environment and guidance, children can take an active role in their education. The Montessori approach focuses on:

  • Creating a prepared environment with educational materials that encourage independent learning.
  • Offering activities that promote practical life skills, sensorial development, language, mathematics, and cultural understanding.
  • Respecting each child’s individual learning pace and style.
  • Fostering self-discipline, responsibility, and a lifelong love of learning.

How It Works

In our program, children engage in creative play with a variety of educational toys. This time includes both structured and unstructured play. While children are free to choose activities that interest them, they also receive one-on-one time with an educator to focus on five key Montessori learning areas:

  1. Practical Life: Activities that help children develop everyday living skills and independence.
  2. Sensorial: Exercises that refine the senses and help children understand the world around them.
  3. Language: Activities that promote reading, writing, and communication skills.
  4. Mathematics: Hands-on materials that help children grasp mathematical concepts.
  5. Culture: Lessons that foster an understanding of geography, science, history, and the arts.

A Holistic Educational Experience

By integrating the philosophies of Reggio Emilia and Montessori, we provide a comprehensive educational experience that nurtures children’s intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development. Our aim is to create a safe and joyful learning environment where children feel valued and inspired to reach their full potential. We strive to leave a lasting positive impact, helping children grow into confident, well-rounded individuals.


Creative and free play activities are vital for children’s development, offering them skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. Unstructured playtime, where children can explore their imaginations, set their own rules, and engage with the world at their own pace, significantly enhances their early growth and development.


Through play, children discover how the world operates. It fosters their imagination and enhances problem-solving skills. Additionally, play advances their language development and sharpens their decision-making abilities.


As children play and learn, they progress in their personal growth. Reaching developmental milestones is essential for their overall functioning. Play promotes physical activity and health, while also refining fine motor skills and enhancing gross motor skills.


When a child is equipped with the tools necessary to solve problems, they can utilize free play as a means of self-expression, uninhibited by constraints of right or wrong. This not only enhances their confidence and self-esteem but also diminishes stress and anxiety levels. Whether engaging in independent play or collaborating with others on an activity, a child begins to forge connections essential for thriving in the world.


Daily Schedule


3429 Oxford Street, Vancouver, BC

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Outdoor Space

Indoor Space


Please indicate your child's Date of Birth. Please note once form is completed you will be placed on the waiting list.